Sunday, October 20, 2013

What should nations be?

NSK  is a nation of artists, a nation without borders. Originally created in the 1980s, it has served as inspiration for generations of artists and freethinkers who envision a world where people are defined by their personalities, not merely by their location or their finances or their skin.

Is this idea getting out of hand? Or is it a great idea that is only now in its infancy? Wikipedia has a good article on NKS, and another on the "Micronations" concept. With the internet, communication between members of a virtual nation can be as easy as it was within material nations a hundred years ago.

Is this the future of human society? Many people hope so. Rather than money and war and power, this might create a world of free and equal people. Rather than a world of slaves serving the whims of a few hundred super-wealthy masters, this might lead to a world of true freedom and diversity...

The founder of La Nation de la Bienveillance is actually a student right here at UALR.

Are we sharing the sidewalks with the founder of a new world???

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