Then a funny thing happened on the way to the graveyard: as they were being loaded onto wagons, the Royal Family started coming back to life. They all had to be shot again to keep them dead.
It turns out the queen, in order to keep the revolutionaries from taking the family treasure, had sewn all the royal jewels into their clothing. They had been bulletproofed! But the second shot worked permanently. Many years later their burial place was found and the bodies were exhumed--but one was missing. Anastasia. Had she escaped? Rumors claimed she had.
Over the next century, several women came forward to claim they were the missing Princess of Russia.
How does the story end???
Dig deeper to find out!
It's a heck of a story!!!
Above, the Dutchess Anastasia shortly before the Revolution.
Right, with her older sister Dutchess Maria, visiting soldiers at a hospital only days before being captured by the revolutionaries.
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