All agents: Concerning the time machine in Paris, our people at the Paris Embassy, at the CIA Paris safe house, and at the State Department, all assure me that there is no time machine half-buried under the ruins of Chateau Dufuss in Paris. They think that just because the old castle is situated right next to a Domino’s Pizza, it cannot be the former home of an ancient time-traveler. But I’m going with my gut on this one. You have, by now, reviewed the video message sent to our Agency by Hans Gruber. If a slimeball like him gets that machine, the world will become his toy. We must stop PolitCo at all cost.
Cost, that is, to the American taxpayers. I happen to have a U.S. Government credit card. Here is your assignment:
I will be traveling to Paris on November 28, returning (if I’m still alive) early on December 2. (I should be back in time for class.) If you need to contact me over Turkeyday Break, I’ll be staying at the Hotel Costes.
I’ll need you to work up a complete mission plan, so that in one long weekend I can retrieve the time machine, find the time traveler, and ship both items to a secret research facility in Nevada on a military transport plane. This plan should include room rates, driving directions from my hotel to the location of the time machine, and driving directions to the Buddha Bar, where I have important business. (Check out their website.)
Address: 239 Rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris, France
Phone:+33 1 42 44 50 00
I’ll need you to work up a complete mission plan, so that in one long weekend I can retrieve the time machine, find the time traveler, and ship both items to a secret research facility in Nevada on a military transport plane. This plan should include room rates, driving directions from my hotel to the location of the time machine, and driving directions to the Buddha Bar, where I have important business. (Check out their website.)
Brasserie Les Halles used to make the best steaks in the world. I remember a night back in ’93, after an evening at the Louvre, I had dinner there at two in the morning, a tenderloin five inches thick, rare, swimming in caviar sauce, with a pile of French fries cooked in goose grease…chocolate cheesecake and a bottle of red die for…. After dinner I walked from Les Halles along the Champs Elysees in the rain…couples were sitting on park benches, getting soaked, kissing passionately, oblivious to the weather. Ah, Paris…
I’ll also be conducting official government business at Disneyland Paris, so I'll need driving directions from my hotel. Include maps with all these directions...
Oh, and I almost forgot: I'll need driving directions from my hotel to wherever you decide will be the most likely place to find the time traveler.
I’ll also be conducting official government business at Disneyland Paris, so I'll need driving directions from my hotel. Include maps with all these directions...
Oh, and I almost forgot: I'll need driving directions from my hotel to wherever you decide will be the most likely place to find the time traveler.
You should make it your prime directive to figure out how I am going to find the time traveler. This is the most important part of the mission plan. Where is the time traveler? How will I know him, what will he be doing, where will I find him, what time of day should I go there to get him? Look carefully at his family website, since that is virtually all the information we have. We know something of his family history from the Dufuss Family Registry website. It ain't much, but if we know his personality we might be able to predict his actions, his movements, his whereabouts. Good luck. Give a VERY COMPLETE explanation for your reasoning--and I mean reasoning, not guesswork. The future of the world is at stake!
Sorry you guys can’t come along. You know, the FBWA is on a tight budget and we must be frugal with the taxpayers’ hard-earned money. I’ll send you all a post card.
The future of the world depends on you. If Politco beats us to that time machine, well, I try not to think about what they could do. We MUST get it first! Get this information put together into an extended essay. Cite all of your sources in MLA format, no later than my flight departure, Nov 28.
If I disappear while in Paris, classes will continue at UALR as if nothing happened. One of my robot doubles will stand in for me. Be nice to my double: it's not as smart as me, but it's the only one that still works. Rust got the others....
That is all.