Sunday, October 20, 2013

Rabbit Hole: Who shall we bomb next? Iran???

 Close your eyes and watch television. Watch the news. Believe what they tell you. Here's your shovel. Dig your grave. Or you can keep your eyes open. You will see the same thing I've seen all my life. One war after another, always to keep us "free."  Always an economic downturn, and then another war, and then a recession, and then a crisis.
General Wesley Clark, former Presidential candidate, speaks about the plan to get into seven wars as an excuse to take over the Middle East oil supply.
All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
George Orwell

Watch the Conclusion of Fahrenheit 911:

Remember the work we did on Syria? Now they're talking about nuking Iran. Do you begin to see a pattern?

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