After he was dethroned and killed, Richard III was said to be the rottenest man ever to sit on a throne. Of course, history is written by the victors...Shakespeare portrayed him as totally rotten, too. It is said that he murdered his own brothers in order to take the throne of England, even murdered his two young nephews because they had a more valid claim to the throne than he did. But it's been difficult to prove what really happened, since no bodies were ever found. The two young nephews completely vanished without a trace. Even King Richard himself disappeared, which is rare for a king of any era.
A few years ago workers were repairing a stairway in the Tower of London. The old stonework was loose and had to be reset. They peeked through a crack in the stones and found a skull peeking back. It was the first light to shine there in more than 500 years. There were two skeletons, huddled together, arms wrapped around each others shoulders. Forensics identified them as boys about the age of Richard's nephews...
And only last year, in September, 2012, a skeleton was discovered that may be that of Richard III. Scientists have not settled the question yet. So, who was this rotten ruler? Was he the one that was rotten, or was he killed and then blamed for the rotten works of others? If you like ancient mysteries, there is a heck of a story here...and the world needs to know the truth.
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