But unfortunately, we have other things to do. Congress needs information on an issue that threatens the United States of America. There is trouble in South America and the Middle East, trouble over water, of all things. Water is being sucked out of Alaska, billions of gallons every year, and shipped to the Middle East faster than nature can replace it.
In Bolivia a corporation bought up the whole nation's water rights and started charging so much for water that people who could not afford the price were dying of thirst. In order to enforce the "law," the peasants were threatened by "police:" armed guards and hired thugs, until finally a peasant revolt forced the corporation to pull out. Here is your assignment: Look into this situation. Is somebody intentionally buying up the world's water? Is America being dried-up in order to force us to pay out the nose for the water God gave us? Who is behind this? I'll include a link or two, but you need to look at a lot more than these sources. If we the people are under attack in a way we do not recognize as an attack....how do we defend?
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