Months ago I started an online petition to get our government to take some responsibility for our safety. Here's a link:
Results of radiation from Chernobyl: Twin brothers Michael and Vladimir Iariga of Minsk, Belarus, are 16 years old. Michael, with hydrocephalus, is five minutes older than Vladimir, who is deaf. – Photo: Robert Knoth
Results of radiation from Chernobyl: Twin brothers Michael and Vladimir Iariga of Minsk, Belarus, are 16 years old. Michael, with hydrocephalus, is five minutes older than Vladimir, who is deaf. – Photo: Robert Knoth
I sent e-mails to the President and to my congressman and senators. None of them responded at all, not even a little 'thank you for your concern' or anything...except one: Senator Mark Pryor sent me a number of responses, and even mailed to me a hardcopy of the official report by the Congressional Research Service. Below is a link to the online version of this report.
I read the report and noticed that it does not mention the one issue that is of greatest concern--Reactor Four. Congress simply was not told about the situation at Reactor Four.
Now, what's up with that?
I believe that nothing is more potentially threatening to the health and welfare of the world than this issue, and the CRS did not even mention it. Read my petition, but do some research on your own. Reactor Four could make the entire world far worse than what Chernobyl did to Europe in 1986. Here's some details about the effects of Chernobyl
It is not even mentioned anymore. Nuclear scientists have said that if Reactor Four collapses before the fuel stored inside it can be removed, the result will be a nuclear fire that could cover the earth in radiation. And the U.S. Government is not helping the Japanese with this crisis--we are paying to have more nuclear reactors built. Compare that to the Government of Germany. After Fukushima, they passed a law to phase out all nuclear reactors, and they are paying to install solar collectors on every housetop in Germany. For far less money, with absolutely no risk of radiation or even pollution, they will generate many times more energy than nuclear power could have done--with solar collectors on every rooftop. The U.S. government is using tax dollars to fund construction of nuclear power plants ... and all this is never mentioned in the news. There is material here for an important research paper...
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