Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Message from Hans Gruber

All Agents: If you see this guy, start running. Hans Gruber and me are old friends, or I should say old enemies. He worked for Hitler's SS in WWII. I worked for, well, it's not important who I worked for. We were on opposite sides of the fence then, and we still are today. Now he calls himself "General Gruber." He's the head of an organization called PolitCo Military Personnel. He knows about the Paris time machine, so we MUST get to it first. The future of the human race depends on it. Follow the link to PolitCo's site, and then explore the various pages. PolitCo is a pretty nasty bunch. On your website, create a page dedicated to Politco, and post an assessment of PolitCo's strengths and any weaknesses you can find, by September 30. We need to find their weaknesses so that we can figure out how to destroy their organization--without drawing international attention to our actions. Bolivia does not like it when we send troops into their we need a quieter approach...
That is all.