Thursday, October 31, 2013
Welcome to Wonderland
Welcome to Operation Rabbit Hole.
Here's the deal: America is in trouble. Our Congress no longer trusts their own Congressional Research Service...and I know why. When I petitioned Congress to take action in Fukushima, I was shown the classified CRS file on Japan's nuclear disaster, and it did not even mention Reactor Four. That information never got to Congress, and now you and I are breathing the effect of this mistake.
I recently received a coded message...
Congress has questions, and they need answers they can depend upon. When things are dark, when America, the world's greatest superpower, is in trouble, who ya gonna call? FBWA.
What follows are more than twenty posts, each on a topic that Congress wants answers to. Each has a certain mystery, a certain depth and darkness about it....sort of like a deep, dark fact, a rabbit hole. Congress wants answers to these dark mysteries so they will be able to make good decisions.
We will operate under our natural cover, investigative journalists writing for a college magazine--we are just harmless college students. Our instructions are to NEVER contact Congress directly. We will simply publish our findings in our online magazine, the campus REVIEW...and the people in Washington will do the rest.
Think of these as rabbit holes.
We need our best people on this.
Look into each of these topics so that you can match your natural interests and skills to the material. Check them out in any order that seems interesting. You have only about a month to complete an in-depth evaluation of the issue you choose to cover--an issue that our Congress sees as potentially explosive (though they have not shared with me exactly how, in some cases...) They have asked us to find answers for a lot of mysteries and we will do our start reading all these rabbit holes, peek into all of them--the idea is for you to know them all, see where each one goes, and then decide which is the one you want to explore deeper. In each case, there is a whole world down at the end of the tunnel...and in most cases it is a dark, strange world.
Ultimately, you will be exploring one of these in Great Depth...but for now, just find out where the tunnel leads. Remember: a high school essay tells what you find; a college essay tells what it might mean, but an FBWA Top Secret Investigation saves the world from evil.
As you dig deeper into these topics, look for patterns of meaning, and think about what these patterns indicate, where the evidence seems to point... eventually, you should choose a topic that will make a fun final project, which might include making a movie, a play, a screenplay, a website, a new nation, an essay...what you ultimately produce is something we will be talking about more as we get into the final project. So start diving into these "rabbit holes," ....but remember how to find your way back to the surface.
PS: Ummm....I have not exactly told you everything....remember TWA Flight 800, back in 1996? Congress learned a lesson from that. Nobody wants to be eliminated in that they do not want to call attention to their investigations--that is the real reason they are using the FBWA instead of the CRS. As you investigate these issues, Trust NOBODY. Always sit with your back to a solid, bulletproof surface.
Welcome to Operation Rabbit Hole. Have Fun...and Good luck.
Hero or Traitor? Ed Snowden
BERLIN | Sun Nov 3, 2013 7:36am EST
(Reuters) - Fugitive U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden said calls for more oversight of government intelligence agencies showed he was justified in revealing the methods and targets of the U.S. secret service.
Snowden's leaks about the National Security Agency (NSA), from its alleged mass scanning of emails to the tapping of world leaders' phones, have infuriated U.S. allies and placed Washington on the defensive.
In "A Manifesto for the Truth" published in German news magazine Der Spiegel on Sunday, Snowden said current debates about mass surveillance in many countries showed his revelations were helping to bring about change.
"Instead of causing damage, the usefulness of the new public knowledge for society is now clear because reforms to politics, supervision and laws are being suggested," the 30-year-old ex-CIA employee and NSA contractor wrote.
"Citizens have to fight against the suppression of information about affairs of essential importance for the public. Those who speak the truth are not committing a crime."
Snowden is in Russia, where he has been given asylum for at least a year.
In an open letter to Germany last week, Snowden said he was counting on international support to stop Washington's 'persecution' of him.
His revelations about the reach and methods of the NSA, including the monitoring of vast volumes of Internet traffic and phone records, have angered U.S. allies from Germany to Brazil.
Admirers have called Snowden a human rights champion. Others say he is a traitor for stealing information from the NSA after vowing to respect its secrecy policies and then fleeing first to Hong Kong and then to Russia with classified U.S. data.
Snowden declined a job offer from Russia's top social networking site VKontakte (InTouch), local media quoted one of the company's founders, Pavel Durov, as saying over the weekend.
A Russian lawyer with close links to the authorities who is assisting Snowden, Anatoly Kucherena, had said this week the American would start work in November for a "large Russian (web)site" that he refused to name for security reasons.
In the manifesto published on Sunday, Snowden said mass surveillance was a global problem that needed global solutions and added that secret services' "criminal surveillance programs" jeopardized individual privacy, freedom of opinion and open societies.
The existence of spying technology should not determine politics, he said: "We have a moral duty to ensure that our laws and values limit surveillance programs and protect human rights".
Society, said Snowden, could only understand and keep a check on these problems via an open, ruthless and informed debate.
He said some governments that felt exposed by the revelations had at first launched a "persecution campaign" to repress debate by intimidating journalists and threatening them with prosecution.
"At that time the public was not in a position to judge the usefulness of these revelations. People trusted that their governments would make the right decisions," he said.
"Today we know that was a mistake and that such behavior does not serve the public interest," he said.
(Reporting by Michelle Martin; additional reporting by Gabriela Baczynska in Moscow; editing by Tom Pfeiffer)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Rabbit Hole: RFK, R.I.P.
In April, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy, younger brother of John F. Kennedy, had delivered a moving eulogy at the funeral of his close friend Dr. Martin Luther King. But only a month later, moments after accepting the Democratic Party's nomination for the Presidency, Robert Kennedy was shot and killed. A newsman, without knowing it, recorded the shooting on a sound tape. That tape laid in a box for 40 years before the newsman ever listened to it, and what he found gave him chills. A recording engineer analyzed the tape and proved that the sounds were made by not one gun, as had been claimed, but by three--and two of those guns were in RFK's back--his own security guards?
The police destroyed the gun that was claimed to be the murder weapon. No ballistics tests were ever done. They lost all the photographs taken during the investigation, and the entire room--walls and everything, was removed from the hotel and destroyed. (They found thirteen bullets in the walls, and four in Kennedy's back and head, and yet they said it all came from an 8-shot pistol, fired from in front of the victim.) Welcome to America!
As Kennedy's body was transported by train to be buried in Virginia, over a million people came out to stand beside the tracks and pay their respects as the train passed. On the train, a New York Times photographer caught their faces. It is worth looking at...they are us...
The reporter mentioned above was, coincidentally, our old friend Paul Fusco, who thirty years later would be sent to photograph children defomed by radiation from the Russian nuclear disaster.
Here is Mr. Fusco narrating a series of photos he took during that long train ride with Robert Kennedy's coffin.
Below is footage taken along the way. Think: Based on these images, what did Kennedy mean to these people? Have we had a leader like that since?
The police destroyed the gun that was claimed to be the murder weapon. No ballistics tests were ever done. They lost all the photographs taken during the investigation, and the entire room--walls and everything, was removed from the hotel and destroyed. (They found thirteen bullets in the walls, and four in Kennedy's back and head, and yet they said it all came from an 8-shot pistol, fired from in front of the victim.) Welcome to America!
As Kennedy's body was transported by train to be buried in Virginia, over a million people came out to stand beside the tracks and pay their respects as the train passed. On the train, a New York Times photographer caught their faces. It is worth looking at...they are us...
The reporter mentioned above was, coincidentally, our old friend Paul Fusco, who thirty years later would be sent to photograph children defomed by radiation from the Russian nuclear disaster.
Here is Mr. Fusco narrating a series of photos he took during that long train ride with Robert Kennedy's coffin.
Below is footage taken along the way. Think: Based on these images, what did Kennedy mean to these people? Have we had a leader like that since?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Rabbit Hole: Richard III, the Lost King of England
After he was dethroned and killed, Richard III was said to be the rottenest man ever to sit on a throne. Of course, history is written by the victors...Shakespeare portrayed him as totally rotten, too. It is said that he murdered his own brothers in order to take the throne of England, even murdered his two young nephews because they had a more valid claim to the throne than he did. But it's been difficult to prove what really happened, since no bodies were ever found. The two young nephews completely vanished without a trace. Even King Richard himself disappeared, which is rare for a king of any era.
A few years ago workers were repairing a stairway in the Tower of London. The old stonework was loose and had to be reset. They peeked through a crack in the stones and found a skull peeking back. It was the first light to shine there in more than 500 years. There were two skeletons, huddled together, arms wrapped around each others shoulders. Forensics identified them as boys about the age of Richard's nephews...
And only last year, in September, 2012, a skeleton was discovered that may be that of Richard III. Scientists have not settled the question yet. So, who was this rotten ruler? Was he the one that was rotten, or was he killed and then blamed for the rotten works of others? If you like ancient mysteries, there is a heck of a story here...and the world needs to know the truth.
A few years ago workers were repairing a stairway in the Tower of London. The old stonework was loose and had to be reset. They peeked through a crack in the stones and found a skull peeking back. It was the first light to shine there in more than 500 years. There were two skeletons, huddled together, arms wrapped around each others shoulders. Forensics identified them as boys about the age of Richard's nephews...
And only last year, in September, 2012, a skeleton was discovered that may be that of Richard III. Scientists have not settled the question yet. So, who was this rotten ruler? Was he the one that was rotten, or was he killed and then blamed for the rotten works of others? If you like ancient mysteries, there is a heck of a story here...and the world needs to know the truth.
Monday, October 28, 2013
The Shock Doctrine
"The only book of the last few years in
American publishing that I would describe as a mandatory must-read.
Literally the only one." -Rachel Maddow
Here's some links
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Let me know if you flunk. I will make the necessary arrangements... if you happen to pass the test, try to find others of your type, and read the handout about your personality type.
But work fast. The human race may not have much time left...
That is all.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Rabbit Hole: The Death of a Hero, Terry Yeakey
April 19, 1993. The Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, and the first responder was Terry Yeakey. Yeakey was a patrol cop in Oklahoma City, walking his beat when he heard the explosion. He was the first to arrive at the site of the massive explosion.
Apparently he got there too soon, before all the evidence had been removed. Yeakey saw things he wasn't supposed to see. He spent a year trying to find out what really happened that day, trying to track down who really blew up that building, killing hundreds of people, including eleven kids in the basement day-care center.
Finally, while trying to deliver the evidence he'd gathered to somebody (we don't know who) he was killed. He was beat to a pulp, chopped up, apparently escaped and dragged himself for a mile through the Oklahoma desert before being caught and shot through the head.
His death was ruled a suicide. The evidence he was trying to protect had all disappeared...the official story is that he just made that stuff up.
If he had lived another week, he was scheduled to receive a Medal of Valor from the OKC Police Department.
Over thirty people known to have information about the Murrah Bldg. bombing have since died in similarly mysterious circumstances. General Partin, Air Force demolitions expert, conducted tests that proved the Murrah Building bombing was an inside job. All of the evidence was destroyed...or was it? It's a heck of a story, and Congress needs to know the truth.
Apparently he got there too soon, before all the evidence had been removed. Yeakey saw things he wasn't supposed to see. He spent a year trying to find out what really happened that day, trying to track down who really blew up that building, killing hundreds of people, including eleven kids in the basement day-care center.
Finally, while trying to deliver the evidence he'd gathered to somebody (we don't know who) he was killed. He was beat to a pulp, chopped up, apparently escaped and dragged himself for a mile through the Oklahoma desert before being caught and shot through the head.
His death was ruled a suicide. The evidence he was trying to protect had all disappeared...the official story is that he just made that stuff up.
If he had lived another week, he was scheduled to receive a Medal of Valor from the OKC Police Department.
Over thirty people known to have information about the Murrah Bldg. bombing have since died in similarly mysterious circumstances. General Partin, Air Force demolitions expert, conducted tests that proved the Murrah Building bombing was an inside job. All of the evidence was destroyed...or was it? It's a heck of a story, and Congress needs to know the truth.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Rabbit Hole: Anastasia, Lost Princess of Russia
During the Russian Revolution in 1913, the Royal Family was held hostage in their palace. But when it looked like the revolution might fail, they were gathered into a room--for a photograph, they were told--and shot to pieces.
Then a funny thing happened on the way to the graveyard: as they were being loaded onto wagons, the Royal Family started coming back to life. They all had to be shot again to keep them dead.
It turns out the queen, in order to keep the revolutionaries from taking the family treasure, had sewn all the royal jewels into their clothing. They had been bulletproofed! But the second shot worked permanently. Many years later their burial place was found and the bodies were exhumed--but one was missing. Anastasia. Had she escaped? Rumors claimed she had.
Over the next century, several women came forward to claim they were the missing Princess of Russia.
How does the story end???
Dig deeper to find out!
It's a heck of a story!!!
Above, the Dutchess Anastasia shortly before the Revolution.
Right, with her older sister Dutchess Maria, visiting soldiers at a hospital only days before being captured by the revolutionaries.
Then a funny thing happened on the way to the graveyard: as they were being loaded onto wagons, the Royal Family started coming back to life. They all had to be shot again to keep them dead.
It turns out the queen, in order to keep the revolutionaries from taking the family treasure, had sewn all the royal jewels into their clothing. They had been bulletproofed! But the second shot worked permanently. Many years later their burial place was found and the bodies were exhumed--but one was missing. Anastasia. Had she escaped? Rumors claimed she had.
Over the next century, several women came forward to claim they were the missing Princess of Russia.
How does the story end???
Dig deeper to find out!
It's a heck of a story!!!
Above, the Dutchess Anastasia shortly before the Revolution.
Right, with her older sister Dutchess Maria, visiting soldiers at a hospital only days before being captured by the revolutionaries.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Rabbit Hole: Who shall we bomb next? Iran???
Close your eyes and watch television. Watch the news. Believe what they tell you. Here's your shovel. Dig your grave. Or you can keep your eyes open. You will see the same thing I've seen all my life. One war after another, always to keep us "free." Always an economic downturn, and then another war, and then a recession, and then a crisis.
All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
George Orwell
Watch the Conclusion of Fahrenheit 911:
Remember the work we did on Syria? Now they're talking about nuking Iran. Do you begin to see a pattern?
What should nations be?
NSK is a nation of artists, a nation without borders. Originally created in the 1980s, it has served as inspiration for generations of artists and freethinkers who envision a world where people are defined by their personalities, not merely by their location or their finances or their skin.
Is this idea getting out of hand? Or is it a great idea that is only now in its infancy? Wikipedia has a good article on NKS, and another on the "Micronations" concept. With the internet, communication between members of a virtual nation can be as easy as it was within material nations a hundred years ago.
The founder of La Nation de la Bienveillance is actually a student right here at UALR.
Are we sharing the sidewalks with the founder of a new world???
The Lady of Shallot
What is known of the activities and the motives of the Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood? Was it just a reactionary movement, a natural aversion to
the social effects of industrialization?
There were a number of movements in the closing years of the 19th century, and all shared a romantic vision of what human life should be. Here is a fine example. Check it out. Is it possible that they were right?
Below is Bougereau's "The Broken Pitcher."
There were a number of movements in the closing years of the 19th century, and all shared a romantic vision of what human life should be. Here is a fine example. Check it out. Is it possible that they were right?
Below is Bougereau's "The Broken Pitcher."
Saturday, October 19, 2013
A Message from Hans Gruber
All Agents: If you see this guy, start running. Hans Gruber and me are old friends, or I should say old enemies. He worked for Hitler's SS in WWII. I worked for, well, it's not important who I worked for. We were on opposite sides of the fence then, and we still are today. Now he calls himself "General Gruber." He's the head of an organization called PolitCo Military Personnel. He knows about the Paris time machine, so we MUST get to it first. The future of the human race depends on it. Follow the link to PolitCo's site, and then explore the various pages. PolitCo is a pretty nasty bunch. On your website, create a page dedicated to Politco, and post an assessment of PolitCo's strengths and any weaknesses you can find, by September 30. We need to find their weaknesses so that we can figure out how to destroy their organization--without drawing international attention to our actions. Bolivia does not like it when we send troops into their we need a quieter approach...
That is all.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Rabbit Hole: Go see the doctor!
In France, in England, in Canada and all over Europe, if you get sick, you go see the doc and he fixes you up, and then you just go home. It is much like going to the library when you want to find out about something: you go in, the librarian helps you find what you're looking for, you go home.
So, why is it that in America you have to go through an incredibly complex and expensive pile of paperwork and insurance and charges and coverages...? They say France has the most nearly perfect form of Free Universal healthcare.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Rabbit Hole: The Island Where People Forget to Die
The Greek island of Ikaria has amazing powers of healing. People regularly live to be over 100 and remain active every day of their lives. Is it the wine? Or is it the diet??? Whatever it is, shouldn't we be doing it too?
In fact, the world is dotted with regions where people regularly live far longer. These regions are so well-known and scientifically proven that they have a name: Blue Zones.
What makes these place different? Whatever it is...I want to do it too.
Rabbit Hole: Geo-Engineering Ourselves to Death
Geoengineering: Testing the Waters
Is mankind smart enough to start changing the way nature works?
This article about a recent experiment, dumping iron into the ocean so that it will absorb more CO2--so that we can keep driving automobiles, so that Shell and BP and the rest of the oil industry can avoid the expense of designing more efficient fuels....Is this worth poisoning the oceans???
Read this article. Get scared. Right now nobody is stopping these experiments.
Remember what I always say: if it's not in the news, it is probably real important.See those white streaks across the sky? Chemtrails. Geo-engineering the atmosphere...and whatever they dump up there, settles into our lungs. Nobody is telling Congress what that's all about, and Congress seems to not be asking. It is up to us.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Rabbit Hole: Where Did the Towers Go?
Where did the Towers Go?
I am delighted to finally see Dr. Judy Wood's book about the disintegration of New York's World Trade Center Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, appear in print. It has been a long time coming but well worth the wait.
Based in large part on her website and on the research she's been doing for over eight years, "Where Did the Towers Go?" is an exhaustive study of what happened to those two, quarter mile high, 110-storey skyscrapers and how they were literally turned to dust. A structural engineering firm involved in building the Trade Center estimated there should have been almost 1.2 million tons of steel beams and rubble. But, because we see mostly dust and unburned paper on the ground and a minimum of debris, Dr. Wood asks, "Where did it all go?"
With over 500 excellent color photographs, many charts and graphs, and solid calculations from an expert in mechanical and materials engineering, Professor Wood challenges the official story of 9/11 with compelling evidence that cannot be denied. Her study should convince anyone still skeptical of any alternative explanation as to what happened to the Towers that day that the generally accepted media and government explanation is utter nonsense.
Step by step, Dr. Wood takes us for an in-depth look at what really happened. She suggests that we have been brainwashed from the very beginning moments of the tragedy into believing the story we were being told on television. She shows us that we did not see what we thought we saw. In fact, she shows us clearly that we have been carefully deceived.
Dr. Wood starts by examining the free-fall speed at which the buildings began to plummet, but also graphically explains that very little of the huge structures actually ended up hitting the ground. In fact, the seismic data and the very limited ground penetration and destruction proves an overwhelming amount of material of the Towers was quickly turned to a very fine dust that spread both horizontally outward and vertically upward to form large plumes that finally settled on the streets of lower Manhattan and out into the rivers. One by one, Wood dismisses the official explanation as well as some of the alternate explanations from various 9/11 truth movements.
For me, the lack of a debris pile is the most convincing evidence that the Towers did not topple but were disintegrated on the spot in about 10 seconds each. It does not appear to be action of pulverization but more of what Dr. Wood calls "dustification".
She invents new and clever terms to describe what we saw that day and now see in the recorded photos. She does this in order to erase any pre-conceived ideas of what happened, telling us that the human mind always looks for answers by relating what it experiences to events it has observed before and to what is familiar to it. When the brain sees something totally new, it attempts to explain the phenomenon using what is in its memory. For this particular event, we must guard against that tendency, and descriptions using a new vocabulary help us do that. We begin to see what we thought we saw and what we were told to believe we saw in a different way. Only then can we begin to glimpse the truth of what took place.
Addressed in the book are many unpleasant subjects that most of us do not want to remember. We start to see the people who jumped to their deaths from a new angle. We see vertical circular holes in adjacent World Trade Center buildings that we were never shown before. We see cars blocks away that were "toasted" or flipped over. We see large steel beams and columns bent, twisted, thinned and rusted in peculiar ways that heat cannot cause. We see weird fires and fuming dirt on the ground for blocks...fuming that continues for months. We see WTC Building 7 completely destroyed after 5 pm that afternoon, never having been shown to be hit by an airplane. We see steel turned to "jelly", metal peeled, fusion of dissimilar materials, strange rounded holes in glass, and thinning and extremely rapid aging of materials in just a matter of hours. And, we read the recorded and documented testimony of dozens of first responders such as firefighters and emergency rescue workers that the debris from two 500,000+ ton Towers was almost non-existent.
Dr. Wood goes on in the latter chapters of the book to acquaint us with something she calls the "Tesla-Hutchison Effect" and its similarities to what happened in Manhattan on 9/11. She makes a good case for the use of a directed energy weapon based on that method. It involves setting up what's called a field effect by the interference of different types of energies concentrated on a particular target. There really is nothing new here: genius inventor Nikola Tesla demonstrated such effect a hundred years ago.
As with Judy Wood, I, too, thought it was very strange that the Towers "came down" on 9/11, but I couldn't put my finger on what could have really caused their demise. Now, with the release of this groundbreaking volume of work I am beginning to see the truth. I am beginning to see what I did not see before or what I was not permitted to see because of the power of immediate and incessant suggestion by the media and the government.
Also, check out our old friend Ace Baker on this topic. Phenomena
I am delighted to finally see Dr. Judy Wood's book about the disintegration of New York's World Trade Center Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, appear in print. It has been a long time coming but well worth the wait.
Based in large part on her website and on the research she's been doing for over eight years, "Where Did the Towers Go?" is an exhaustive study of what happened to those two, quarter mile high, 110-storey skyscrapers and how they were literally turned to dust. A structural engineering firm involved in building the Trade Center estimated there should have been almost 1.2 million tons of steel beams and rubble. But, because we see mostly dust and unburned paper on the ground and a minimum of debris, Dr. Wood asks, "Where did it all go?"
With over 500 excellent color photographs, many charts and graphs, and solid calculations from an expert in mechanical and materials engineering, Professor Wood challenges the official story of 9/11 with compelling evidence that cannot be denied. Her study should convince anyone still skeptical of any alternative explanation as to what happened to the Towers that day that the generally accepted media and government explanation is utter nonsense.
Step by step, Dr. Wood takes us for an in-depth look at what really happened. She suggests that we have been brainwashed from the very beginning moments of the tragedy into believing the story we were being told on television. She shows us that we did not see what we thought we saw. In fact, she shows us clearly that we have been carefully deceived.
Dr. Wood starts by examining the free-fall speed at which the buildings began to plummet, but also graphically explains that very little of the huge structures actually ended up hitting the ground. In fact, the seismic data and the very limited ground penetration and destruction proves an overwhelming amount of material of the Towers was quickly turned to a very fine dust that spread both horizontally outward and vertically upward to form large plumes that finally settled on the streets of lower Manhattan and out into the rivers. One by one, Wood dismisses the official explanation as well as some of the alternate explanations from various 9/11 truth movements.
For me, the lack of a debris pile is the most convincing evidence that the Towers did not topple but were disintegrated on the spot in about 10 seconds each. It does not appear to be action of pulverization but more of what Dr. Wood calls "dustification".
She invents new and clever terms to describe what we saw that day and now see in the recorded photos. She does this in order to erase any pre-conceived ideas of what happened, telling us that the human mind always looks for answers by relating what it experiences to events it has observed before and to what is familiar to it. When the brain sees something totally new, it attempts to explain the phenomenon using what is in its memory. For this particular event, we must guard against that tendency, and descriptions using a new vocabulary help us do that. We begin to see what we thought we saw and what we were told to believe we saw in a different way. Only then can we begin to glimpse the truth of what took place.
Addressed in the book are many unpleasant subjects that most of us do not want to remember. We start to see the people who jumped to their deaths from a new angle. We see vertical circular holes in adjacent World Trade Center buildings that we were never shown before. We see cars blocks away that were "toasted" or flipped over. We see large steel beams and columns bent, twisted, thinned and rusted in peculiar ways that heat cannot cause. We see weird fires and fuming dirt on the ground for blocks...fuming that continues for months. We see WTC Building 7 completely destroyed after 5 pm that afternoon, never having been shown to be hit by an airplane. We see steel turned to "jelly", metal peeled, fusion of dissimilar materials, strange rounded holes in glass, and thinning and extremely rapid aging of materials in just a matter of hours. And, we read the recorded and documented testimony of dozens of first responders such as firefighters and emergency rescue workers that the debris from two 500,000+ ton Towers was almost non-existent.
Dr. Wood goes on in the latter chapters of the book to acquaint us with something she calls the "Tesla-Hutchison Effect" and its similarities to what happened in Manhattan on 9/11. She makes a good case for the use of a directed energy weapon based on that method. It involves setting up what's called a field effect by the interference of different types of energies concentrated on a particular target. There really is nothing new here: genius inventor Nikola Tesla demonstrated such effect a hundred years ago.
As with Judy Wood, I, too, thought it was very strange that the Towers "came down" on 9/11, but I couldn't put my finger on what could have really caused their demise. Now, with the release of this groundbreaking volume of work I am beginning to see the truth. I am beginning to see what I did not see before or what I was not permitted to see because of the power of immediate and incessant suggestion by the media and the government.
Also, check out our old friend Ace Baker on this topic. Phenomena
Monday, October 14, 2013
Rabbit Hole: The Shock Doctrine
The Shock Doctrine
In THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, Naomi Klein explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades, The Shock Doctrine is the gripping story of how America’s “free market” policies have come to dominate the world-- through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries.
At the most chaotic juncture in Iraq’s civil war, a new law is unveiled that would allow Shell and BP to claim the country’s vast oil reserves…. Immediately following September 11, the Bush Administration quietly out-sources the running of the “War on Terror” to Halliburton and Blackwater…. After a tsunami wipes out the coasts of Southeast Asia, the pristine beaches are auctioned off to tourist resorts.... New Orleans’s residents, scattered from Hurricane Katrina, discover that their public housing, hospitals and schools will never be reopened…. These events are examples of “the shock doctrine”: using the public’s disorientation following massive collective shocks – wars, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters -- to achieve control by imposing economic shock therapy.
Based on breakthrough historical research and four years of on-the-ground reporting in disaster zones, The Shock Doctrine vividly shows how disaster capitalism – the rapid-fire corporate reengineering of societies still reeling from shock – did not begin with September 11, 2001. The book traces its origins back fifty years, to the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman, which produced many of the leading neo-conservative and neo-liberal thinkers whose influence is still profound in Washington today. New, surprising connections are drawn between economic policy, “shock and awe” warfare and covert CIA-funded experiments in electroshock and sensory deprivation in the 1950s, research that helped write the torture manuals used today in Guantanamo Bay.
The Shock Doctrine follows the application of these ideas through our contemporary history, showing in riveting detail how well-known events of the recent past have been deliberate, active theatres for the shock doctrine, among them: Pinochet’s coup in Chile in 1973, the Falklands War in 1982, the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Asian Financial crisis in 1997 and Hurricane Mitch in 1998.
Featured Review:
a bold and brilliantly conceived thesis, skillfully and cogently
threaded through more than 500 pages of trenchant writing, Klein may
well have revealed the master narrative of our time. And because the
pattern she exposes could govern our future as well, The Shock Doctrine could turn out to be among the most important books of the decade."
- William S. Kowinski, San Francisco ChronicleSunday, October 13, 2013
Rabbit Hole: How does money work (endless debt)
Lincoln's Monetary Policy - Free The Debt Slaves
"Money is the creature of law and the creation of the original issue of money should be maintained as exclusive monopoly of National Government.
Money possess no value to the state other than that given to it by circulation.
Capital has its proper place and is entitled to every protection. The wages of men should be recognized in the structure of and in the social order as more important than the wages of money.
No duty is more imperative for the government than the duty it owes the people to furnish them with a sound and uniform currency, and of regulating the circulation of the medium of exchange so that labor will be protected from a vicious currency, and commerce will be facilitated by cheap and safe exchanges.
The available supply of gold and silver being wholly inadequate to permit the issuance of coins of intrinsic value or paper currency convertible into coin in the volume required to serve the needs of the people, some other basis for the issuance of currency must be developed, and some means other than that of convertibility into coin must be developed to prevent undue fluctuations in the value of paper currency or any other substitute for money of intrinsic value that may come into use.
The monetary needs of increasing numbers of people advancing toward higher standards of living can and should be met by the government. Such needs can be served by the issue of national currency and credit through the operation of a national banking system. The circulation of a medium of exchange issued and backed by the government can be properly regulated and redundancy of issue avoided by withdrawing from circulation such amounts as may be necessary by taxation, redeposit, and otherwise. Government has the power to regulate the currency and credit of the Nation.
Government should stand behind its currency and credit and the bank deposits of the Nation. No individual should suffer a loss of money through depreciated or inflated currency or bank bankruptcy.
Government possessing the power to create and issue currency and credit as money and enjoying the right to withdraw both currency and credit from circulation by taxation and otherwise, need not and should not borrow capital at interest as a means of financing governmental work and public enterprise . The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creative opportunity.
By adoption of these principles, the long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest, discounts, and exchanges. The financing of all public enterprise, the maintenance of stable government and ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. The people can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power."
Abraham Lincoln, quoted in Rep. Jerry Voorhis'
book Out Of Debt, Out Of Danger, 1943
The struggle and deadly war with private central bankers had been going on for centuries. Our own American revolution was fought over the right to issue our own money and credit and escape the clutches of the Rothschild's "Bank Of England" with its private monopoly money and credit creation privilege - leading to inevitable, interest-bearing, debt-money, disaster.
Today we have reached another point in history where the debt-slavery to our privately owned "Fed" has led to a yearly interest expense of nearly 500 billions dollars on our ballooning debt, largely generated by capital's disastrous "free trade" policy and the up and down manipulations of both interest rates and stock markets by the owners of private central banks.
The central problem here is not the money creation into circulation, and expanding velocity, but the unnecessary interest cost that we, the taxpayers, must pay a private cabal of bankers to create and borrow our own money. It is simply the scam of the centuries, and unless we rescue ourselves from this debt slavery, as President Lincoln advised, our demise is certain - i.e., an ugly event which will secure fascism and a global private "Fourth Reich' hegemony over money and credit. In short, effective and meaningful democracy will then be history.
We have already seen the chairman of "our" Federal Reserve refuse to tell Congress where the 800 billion went and to whom. Such impudence and arrogance is reason enough to take back the stock of the Fed and re-nationalize our central bank.
The ongoing power of the private central bankers and their affiliated bond dealer cohorts is further reflected in the power of Goldman Sachs over our own government. Administration after administration, Republican or Democrat, is controlled by these "masters of the universe" bond dealers who own the stock of the private central banks.
With our Constitutional money and credit creation powers in their private hands, they create money "out of thin air" and use it to buy the government bonds we must sell, at interest. From nothing comes an interest penalty paid to them and to those to whom they sell the interest-bearing bonds supported by our taxes. What a racket!
This regime is either stopped in its tracks or, if allowed to continue, it will be to our immense sorrow and regret - regret for screwing ourselves and out children and grandchildren saddled with interest bearing debt which is never paid off but simply "rolled over" in perpetuity. Were we put on this earth to pay interest to private central bankers? Are we to be born debt slaves?
So when do "our" money-for-reelection-driven representatives get the courage to end this devious and disastrous private money and credit banking scheme? When do they join with the members of other nation's most democratic houses, all saddled and scuttled with their own private central bank regimes, and put an end to this thievery? When do they gather the courage of the founders of this country who, seeing the devastation produced by the "Bank of England," wisely placed the "purse power" in the hands of Congress - the most representative body whose members can be re-elected or unelected every two years according to their wisdom or folly.
When do our representatives demand a great debate and coverage in corporate media of exactly this question? When do media "conservatives" and "liberals" even broach the question of a public central bank? Of interest-fee infrastructure financing? Of nationalizing the home lending operation and rescuing us from a devious and utterly predatory system?
When? Ask your representative. Is he or she so self-interested or stupid they cannot even face the questions which the brave founders of this country faced, much less move to make a Democratic Republic a reality and avoid screwing their own children? Tell them to take back the bank... the central bank... and end our debt slavery. Make them answer the questions in order to see where they stand. Then we will know how to vote.
Kent Welton,
"Money is the creature of law and the creation of the original issue of money should be maintained as exclusive monopoly of National Government.
Money possess no value to the state other than that given to it by circulation.
Capital has its proper place and is entitled to every protection. The wages of men should be recognized in the structure of and in the social order as more important than the wages of money.
No duty is more imperative for the government than the duty it owes the people to furnish them with a sound and uniform currency, and of regulating the circulation of the medium of exchange so that labor will be protected from a vicious currency, and commerce will be facilitated by cheap and safe exchanges.
The available supply of gold and silver being wholly inadequate to permit the issuance of coins of intrinsic value or paper currency convertible into coin in the volume required to serve the needs of the people, some other basis for the issuance of currency must be developed, and some means other than that of convertibility into coin must be developed to prevent undue fluctuations in the value of paper currency or any other substitute for money of intrinsic value that may come into use.
The monetary needs of increasing numbers of people advancing toward higher standards of living can and should be met by the government. Such needs can be served by the issue of national currency and credit through the operation of a national banking system. The circulation of a medium of exchange issued and backed by the government can be properly regulated and redundancy of issue avoided by withdrawing from circulation such amounts as may be necessary by taxation, redeposit, and otherwise. Government has the power to regulate the currency and credit of the Nation.
Government should stand behind its currency and credit and the bank deposits of the Nation. No individual should suffer a loss of money through depreciated or inflated currency or bank bankruptcy.
Government possessing the power to create and issue currency and credit as money and enjoying the right to withdraw both currency and credit from circulation by taxation and otherwise, need not and should not borrow capital at interest as a means of financing governmental work and public enterprise . The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creative opportunity.
By adoption of these principles, the long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest, discounts, and exchanges. The financing of all public enterprise, the maintenance of stable government and ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. The people can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power."
Abraham Lincoln, quoted in Rep. Jerry Voorhis'
book Out Of Debt, Out Of Danger, 1943
The struggle and deadly war with private central bankers had been going on for centuries. Our own American revolution was fought over the right to issue our own money and credit and escape the clutches of the Rothschild's "Bank Of England" with its private monopoly money and credit creation privilege - leading to inevitable, interest-bearing, debt-money, disaster.
Today we have reached another point in history where the debt-slavery to our privately owned "Fed" has led to a yearly interest expense of nearly 500 billions dollars on our ballooning debt, largely generated by capital's disastrous "free trade" policy and the up and down manipulations of both interest rates and stock markets by the owners of private central banks.
The central problem here is not the money creation into circulation, and expanding velocity, but the unnecessary interest cost that we, the taxpayers, must pay a private cabal of bankers to create and borrow our own money. It is simply the scam of the centuries, and unless we rescue ourselves from this debt slavery, as President Lincoln advised, our demise is certain - i.e., an ugly event which will secure fascism and a global private "Fourth Reich' hegemony over money and credit. In short, effective and meaningful democracy will then be history.
We have already seen the chairman of "our" Federal Reserve refuse to tell Congress where the 800 billion went and to whom. Such impudence and arrogance is reason enough to take back the stock of the Fed and re-nationalize our central bank.
The ongoing power of the private central bankers and their affiliated bond dealer cohorts is further reflected in the power of Goldman Sachs over our own government. Administration after administration, Republican or Democrat, is controlled by these "masters of the universe" bond dealers who own the stock of the private central banks.
With our Constitutional money and credit creation powers in their private hands, they create money "out of thin air" and use it to buy the government bonds we must sell, at interest. From nothing comes an interest penalty paid to them and to those to whom they sell the interest-bearing bonds supported by our taxes. What a racket!
This regime is either stopped in its tracks or, if allowed to continue, it will be to our immense sorrow and regret - regret for screwing ourselves and out children and grandchildren saddled with interest bearing debt which is never paid off but simply "rolled over" in perpetuity. Were we put on this earth to pay interest to private central bankers? Are we to be born debt slaves?
So when do "our" money-for-reelection-driven representatives get the courage to end this devious and disastrous private money and credit banking scheme? When do they join with the members of other nation's most democratic houses, all saddled and scuttled with their own private central bank regimes, and put an end to this thievery? When do they gather the courage of the founders of this country who, seeing the devastation produced by the "Bank of England," wisely placed the "purse power" in the hands of Congress - the most representative body whose members can be re-elected or unelected every two years according to their wisdom or folly.
When do our representatives demand a great debate and coverage in corporate media of exactly this question? When do media "conservatives" and "liberals" even broach the question of a public central bank? Of interest-fee infrastructure financing? Of nationalizing the home lending operation and rescuing us from a devious and utterly predatory system?
When? Ask your representative. Is he or she so self-interested or stupid they cannot even face the questions which the brave founders of this country faced, much less move to make a Democratic Republic a reality and avoid screwing their own children? Tell them to take back the bank... the central bank... and end our debt slavery. Make them answer the questions in order to see where they stand. Then we will know how to vote.
Kent Welton,
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Rabbit Hole: Trouble in Paradise
But unfortunately, we have other things to do. Congress needs information on an issue that threatens the United States of America. There is trouble in South America and the Middle East, trouble over water, of all things. Water is being sucked out of Alaska, billions of gallons every year, and shipped to the Middle East faster than nature can replace it.
In Bolivia a corporation bought up the whole nation's water rights and started charging so much for water that people who could not afford the price were dying of thirst. In order to enforce the "law," the peasants were threatened by "police:" armed guards and hired thugs, until finally a peasant revolt forced the corporation to pull out. Here is your assignment: Look into this situation. Is somebody intentionally buying up the world's water? Is America being dried-up in order to force us to pay out the nose for the water God gave us? Who is behind this? I'll include a link or two, but you need to look at a lot more than these sources. If we the people are under attack in a way we do not recognize as an do we defend?
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