Friday, November 1, 2013
Welcome New Recruits!
This is a video message from the bureaucrat currently running things at the Federal Bureau of Weird Affairs. We are a top secret government agency--so secret, in fact, that the government is not even aware of our existence. As you might expect, this level of secrecy makes it difficult to get allocations of tax money for operations, so funding is often thin. Our solution has been to recruit college students. They work cheap. If you are not killed in the line of duty, you can expect to receive college credit for the course you thought you were taking. If you have any questions, talk to your teacher. Steed is on our payroll.
You will receive assignments through this top secret website, disguised as blog posts. You will be expected to submit information and planning documents to Steed.
Welcome to the FBWA. America's safety and prosperity depend on you.
Do not tell anybody that you are working for a top secret government agency.
Not even your mother.
Good luck.
You will need it.